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Topic: Qualities of a good English learner

There are many qualities of a good English learner, but I think there are 3 the most important qualities.
The first, they study hard. They learn anywhere, anytime. It may be at school, at home, in a club, in free time. If you study laborious, you will have a good basic knowledge English. Therefore, you can use them easily.
Secondly, they practice English everyday. I think practice English regular will help you have a good English skill, include 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Your skill will be more improved.
Thirdly, they have a specific target. They learn English to get married to foreigner, to get a overseas job, to get scholarship and so on.
In short, there are 3 the most important element to good at English. Those are intensive, regular and specific target.

Laborious /lə'bɔ:riəs/ (adj) :cần cù, chăm chỉ
Intensive /in'tensiv/   (adj): cường độ
Specific /spi'sifik/   (adj): rõ rang, dứt khoát
Target /'tɑ:git/  (n) : mục tiêu, chỉ tiêu, đích

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tag: Topic essay Qualities of a good English leanrer, method to learn English well 

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