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Finding Job - interests and free time

Fill in the blank with one suitable word



"What are some of your personal interests

outside work?"

"Well, I really enjoy gardening, it helps me

. I also enjoy learning foreign languages."

What foreign languages you studyed?

"Currently I'm studying Chiness and Japaness.

In past I study German as well."

Dialogue 2

"Can tell me about some of your hobbies or

personal ? "*%

"Well, I'm usually very busy taking care of

children and doing housework."

"...But when I do have I like to read

and listen to music."

Dialogue "Please tell me about your interests outside of


love learning about computers.

"...Sometimes..., I do programmes for friends,

when I have free time."

What do you to relax or to have fun?

"I like listening music, and I enjoy playing


Dialogue 4

"What something that you do in your free

time? "*%

" , I love cooking. Ive taken several classes

of cooking. "*%

"...I also like to play tennis. Whenever I can,

play tennis with my friends."

Dialogue 5

"What are of your hobbies or personal


"I enjoy reading playing guitar. I also

enjoy surfing the internet and ."

Time to Review

What do you do to relax to have fun?

"I like listening to music, and enjoy playing


"What are some of your personal

outside of work?"

"Well, I really enjoy gardening, it me

relax. I also enjoy learning foreign languages."

"Can tell me about some of your hobbies or

personal ? "*%

"Well, I'm usually very busy taking care of

children and doing housework."

"...But when I do have I like to read

and listen to music."



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